Davis Affordable Professional Counseling
You can contact me by calling, through email, or by submitting an online inquiry below. I am able to return voicemails within 10 days, emails within 7 days, and text messages within 4 hours (Sun-Fri.). It is best to text me.
Phone: 530-848-1561
Email: dezareecounsels@dezareefinch.com
Address: 1260 Lake Blvd., Suite 201, Davis, Ca 95616
Driving Directions: Please see the map below. The office is located in a private and professional executive suite above Lamppost Pizza. There are two stairwells as well as an elevator. On the weekends and after 5pm, the door remains locked and I will need to let you into the building.
Online Inquiry
Wednesdays 11:30am-4:30pm
Thursdays 11am-8pm
Saturdays 10am-4pm
Sundays 5pm-8pm
I see people by appointment only. You have the option to be put on my waiting list if I am booked when you contact me. However, if you are in crisis, it is best to seek out another therapist that may be able to see you right away. Upon an available appointment, I will need you to return my email within 4 hours accepting the appointment to keep it and we will need to do a short (10-15 min) intake over the phone to officially book the appointment. I am not available for short notice crisis care. In those situations it is best to go to your nearest emergency room.